Improve awareness of career opportunities and the technology used in transportation engineering and highway construction in order to increase the pool of qualified candidates for related positions.
Raise the level of awareness of at least 1,000 Maryland middle and high school students, as well as their counselors and teachers annually, through interactive virtual presentations and in-person events.
Host at least three virtual or in-person engineering outreach events annually for middle and high schools with strong math and science programs.
Promote career opportunities, scholarships, entry level jobs, training and internships available in the transportation industry through the MdQI Students website and social media.
Collaborate with other transportation industry outreach programs.
want to inspire the next generation of SCHOLARS?
Contact us at outreach@mdqi.org to learn how you can volunteer with our subcommittee!
mdqi students
Did you know we launched a student's website?
Want to promote scholarships, training programs, internships or entry level positions, and learn more about upcoming events on the MdQI Students website.
Email: outreach@mdqi.org
Subcommittee Members
Bashan McLeod, MDOT SHA - Co-Chair for Engineering / Branding and Website Manager
Tania Stewart, MDOT SHA - Logistics and Volunteer Coordinator
Laila Jones, MDOT SHA - Communications and Public Relations Manager
Wendy Walcott, GPI - Student Liaison
Amy Andrews, MDOT SHA - Co-Chair for Construction
Ed Seely, JMT - General Body Member
Team Support
Ray Streib, DFI - Marketing Director
Clyde Munz, JMT - Photographer